The Dutch in New Netherland confined their operations to Manhattan Island, Long . Compare And Contrast The Spanish French And Dutch Colonies. 0000016793 00000 n such as weapons or other supplies, depending on the Indians needs. In the works of Christopher Columbus, lvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca, and Bartolom de las Casas, the Natives characterized as positive views in such ways that they were as civilized as the Spaniards. The French colonies were sparsely populated. 0000030683 00000 n However, negative contexts indicated that Indians created war and show no signs of respect. During the summer trading season, Indians gathered at trading posts such as the Dutch site at Beverwijck (present-day Albany), where they exchanged furs for guns, blankets, and alcohol. The opportunity to make money was one of the primary motivators for the colonization of the New World. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. What benefits might these games have for the sick? This money, in turn, was often put to good use by the recipient nations, helping to build their economies. Tucked away in Buckingham Township, Spring Meadow Farm epitomizes the Bucks County farm estate, a tranquil retreat with all of the elements one needs for an upscale country lifestyle. Although the fur trade was lucrative, the French saw Canada as an inhospitable frozen wasteland, and by 1640, fewer than four hundred settlers had made their home there. What did the Spanish and French have in common in colonizing the New World? The Dutch: The historical phenomenon of colonization is one of the stretches around the globe and across the time. The Spanish, French, Dutch and British colonization methods were similar and different in several aspects, such as the beginning of the maritime exploration of the Americas, made possible by the technological advances of the time, such as the caravel and the compass. Their impact on the colonial period ended with them supplying Native Americans with goods, and ownership of mostly Canada in the end. Instead they were losing money by being funded by joint-stock companies which took some of the english colonies wealth. spanish used "encomienda" and "mita". Colonization Understand the difference between Spanish, French, English, and Dutch colonies How are they different? As the world of global exploration and colonization grew, many powerful European empires set out to see what the New World had in store for them. The English colonists, on the other hand, enjoyed far more freedom and were able to govern themselves as long as they followed English law and were loyal to the king. Yet, Britain soon had populated permanent settlements in the new world for a different reason.The settlement of these colonies was motivated by religion. 0000013739 00000 n Albany, NY. 0000025473 00000 n If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. How were the Spanish and French colonies similar? French and Dutch colonizers focused on trading furs with Native American tribes in North America. In return, the shareholder who gained the patroonship promised to pay for the passage of at least thirty Dutch farmers to populate the colony. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. European colonization of the Americas started with the accidental discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492. How did the colonizers affect the development of the colonies? Compare And Contrast American And Spanish Settlers. Most of the colonies had conflicts with Indians. Spanish and French settlers tried to convert Indians to Christianity. whatever the price, they were seeking better lives for themselves. You can do it! Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. All societies, states and companies tried to build domination on their weaker neighbors or opponents. Spanish soldiers only saw them for killing and enslavement. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Next in line were the France who landed in North America and discovered the land to be ripe with animal pelts which brought great wealth to the French. The Spanish colonized the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, some parts of the South America and Southwest of North America, the French colonized Canada, the Dutch colonized New Netherland, and the English colonized Virginia and Plymouth among the others. 264 Words 2 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Spanish Explorers Motivation A French explorer who founded the first permanent French settlement in North America, Quebec. Why did the French and Dutch colonies come to America? When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. spanish viceroys held broader power, english colonies had local governments. The first Jesuits arrived in Quebec in the 1620s, and for the next century, their numbers did not exceed forty priests. Dutch Colonization; Economic Legislation; Education Amendment Act of 1972; Eisenhower Administration; . These colonization and economic differences led to their different political structures. An English adventurer hired by the Dutch government who led an expedition to find a path to Asia through North America. Compare And Contrast French And Spanish Colonization 1162 Words | 5 Pages. In North America, both the Spanish and British were engaged in colonialism and colonization prior to 1763. How did the Dutch differ from both the French and the Spanish? Unit 2: Colonization & Competition (1607-1754) Overview Beginning in 1607, England, France, and Spain all established settlements in North America. 0000018072 00000 n She or he will best know the preferred format. European goods, ideas, and diseases shaped the changing continent. Of COURSE there were rules. What does it mean that the Bible was divinely inspired? In these wars, fighting between rival native peoples spread throughout the Great Lakes region. How did the British colonies differ from the French and Spanish colonies? Direct link to David Alexander's post Find the lesson summary o, Posted 4 years ago. conditions. Which is very interesting and breathtaking everything they have, been through. Direct link to Yuliannis's post Bueno. The Castello Plan is the only extant map of 1660 New Amsterdam (present-day New York City). Compare and Contrast Spanish and British Colonization Efforts in North America Prior to 1763. Direct link to semhomeschool's post was the hudson bay compan, Posted 22 days ago. Was the Dutch East India Company similar to the East India Company in India when India was colonized by the British? No, the Dutch live in the Netherlands and the French live in France :). However, there are a few aspects that differentiate between colonies, such as in the Chesapeake and New England regions. France deals with many disputes during their colonization period such as dealing with Spain, the competition of trading, and the battle at Lake Champlain. Depending on Native Americans to hunt animals for their pelts, French and Dutch colonizers cultivated friendly relationships with Native Americans through intermarriage and military alliances. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. How did both compare to Spanish colonists? They moved North to get to Florida and modern-day Texas. Why did they prescribe a game of lacrosse? The spread of Catholicism in the wake of the Reformation was a major driving force behind the Empire, and Spanish missionaries from Argentina to modern California established missions aimed at converting Native peoples to the faith. Plantations established in the Mississippi valley largely failed. When each of these empires got started had a heavy impact on what they did and how they did it. Montreal, QE. French colonies were much smaller than the Spanish colonies. French fur traders and missionaries, however, ranged far into the interior of North America, exploring the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi River. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The shortage of labor also meant that New Netherland welcomed non-Dutch immigrants, including Protestants from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and England, and embraced a degree of religious tolerance, allowing Jewish immigrants to become residents beginning in the 1650s. For the contrast of each colony I am going to write their own, paragraph and for the compare part I am going to put all the things that the colonies have in, The French started colonizing in 1534 and so the French colonies strongly resemble rural, france. Eventually, those indians that opposed the conversion would be threatened with their lives. why did dutch and french make rules? Identify the main Spanish American colonial settlements of the 1500s and 1600s; Discuss economic, political, and demographic similarities and differences between the Spanish colonies; Compare and contrast the development and character of the French and Dutch colonies in North America Explore an interactive map of New Amsterdam in 1660 that shows the city plan and the locations of various structures, including houses, businesses, and public buildings. 0000028626 00000 n 0000025931 00000 n These are slotted notes where students fill in the blank that match exactly with the PowerPoint they are using. was the hudson bay company and hudson bay named after Henry Hudson?? The Great Depression, 1929-1932, Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1941, Fighting the Good Fight in World War II, 1941-1945, Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears, 1945-1960, Political Storms at Home and Abroad, 1968-1980, The Challenges of the Twenty-First Century. To what extent is it accurate to label the governance system of British Imperialism in the 19th and 20th century 'indirect '? Both English and Spanish had different ideas and motivation of colonizing the North America. In North America, trading outposts along the Hudson River and in New Amsterdam (New York) were built by the Dutch and along the Mississippi and St. France and Spain, for instance, were governed by autocratic sovereigns whose rule was absolute; their colonists went to America as servants of the Crown. The Spanish Colonization started in the Caribbean. The sale and exchange of animal furs (like beaver pelts). At first, the French colonies initially put together what was the shores of the St.Lawrence, river and the Acadia, but mainly the Great Lakes and some parts of the Appalachian West. Colonial Rivalries: Dutch and French Colonial Ambitions by OpenStaxCollege is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Some of the motivations or causes for this includes the religious conflicts, Subduing Ireland-brutal tactics, Economic depression and joint-stock Corporation. Spanish conquistadors had better success in South America, where they conquered the Aztec and Inca Empires and claimed the land for Spain. The title, in Latin meaning Touch me not, refers to John 20:17 in the Bible (King . %PDF-1.4 % 0000014400 00000 n How did French colonization compare to British colonization? Farther south, colonies provided tobacco, rice, and indigo. The English colonization is quite different from Spanish Colonization through motivation, settlement and relations with Native Americans, and Economic and Political Changes. The occasion for the decolonization was provided by the Napoleonic Wars. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. The English, Spanish and French colonialist believed in Christianity. In addition to the fur trade, the French also had farms which did show an improvement and an economy sustainable. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. The French were ruled by a king, this, meant that they did not have several rights as for example, they were not able to have, meetings to discuss political and government issues. The first part will. Colonialism and Imperialism affected our world both positively and negatively. This button displays the currently selected search type. Each empire had their own individual agendas and incentives for colonization. The English had a much larger population in their colonies than the Spanish, in fact, in 1700; there was a total population of 250,000 in the English colonies compared to 4,500 in the Spanish. Farmers and merchants followed. They differed socially, politically, economically, and geographically. These small investments are made by purchasing of "stock certificates" which, if the company succeeds, rise in value. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? The line with spikes on the right side of the colony is the northeastern wall for which Wall Street was named. Many claimed larger areas of land around them to farm and raise animals. Seventeenth-century French and Dutch colonies in North America were modest in comparison to Spain's colossal global empire. The main political motivation for English Imperialism was due to the rivalries with its European Counterparts. English and Spanish colonies grew to become very different from one another with frequent similarities. Something that the French and Dutch colonies had in common was the fur trade. Although the French and Dutch had apparent positive approaches compared to Spain, oppression of the Native Americans occurred under the control of all three colonies. The French, Spanish, Dutch and the English colonies had things that were the same but, things that were very different from each other. The Spanish, for example, reaped the . In the eyes of Church in Lima, the person who is seen as an idolater was given the title, new Christians. As stated in the reading, Idolatry and its Enemies, In the Archdiocese of Lima, the Indian who was viewed as a pagan or idolater, and whose errors derived from complete ignorance of the Catholic truth Especially in the minds of many Spanish Christians, was a new Christian (Mills, 1997:24). Based on this quote, idolatry, In my opinion the French were the most ethical group in colonizing the New World because they did not come to conquer or enslave native populations. They were not allowed to make their own local laws and answered to their respective kings. They were in search for gold and silver in Mexico and South America. They left England later than they had planned, and their ship was blown off course. . The way that the English colonies differed from the Spanish colonies was that the English colonies weren't being funded by their home country. The French and Dutch established colonies in the northeastern part of North America: the Dutch in present-day New York, and the French in present-day Canada. Direct link to s1037210's post what are some similaritie, Posted 2 years ago. European Exploration and Colonization power point Robert Garren 21.3k views Empires In The Americas brettbailey 15.2k views American revolution pt.1 Frank 1.5k views American colonization Cheryl Marie Yu 56.3k views The Colonies Develop Kyle Davoust 17.3k views European colonization in the americas maynard242 677 views Colonial France The main motivations for building imperialist institutions were generally same. The Dutch government gave the company the power to establish colonies, which enabled the company to control trade. During this time period, there were several revolutions that occurred throughout the developing world. 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This analytical essay will address the role of imperialism and colonisation in two parts. His expedition led to the establishment of New Amsterdam. Moreover, the Spanish and French settlers tried to displace Indians beliefs through converting them into Christianity. For almost 200 years, until the colonies fought and won their independence, England benefited financially from the relationship with its North American colonies. This colony is self-governed and does not have heavy taxes like England. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The French colonization in the Americas began in the 16th century. This resulted in a wide diversity of religions practiced compared to the Spanish colony: such as Jews, Quakers, and Lutherans. There was commerce to be taxed. Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography, Religion, Social Studies, Economics, U.S. History, World History. How were French and Spanish colonization similar? They came to work collectively with the native inhabitants to create a lucrative trade network comprised of military forts, trading posts and agricultural villages. This was determined by the people and the environment of the colony, rather than one international method. In the French colonies, only the nobles were able to own land. Indeed, one observer claimed eighteen different languages could be heard on the streets of New Amsterdam. The first successful permanent settlement was established in Jamestown Virginia, and as time advances the English established thirteen colonies divided geographically into three regions: new England, middle and southern colonies. In the late 16th and early 17th cent., the English, Dutch, and French began to undertake colonization through the agency of chartered companies. The growth of slavery, triangular trade, Enlightenment ideals . Their colonies were run differently during different times. What were the differences between French Spanish and British colonization? In the early 1600s British settlers colonized the east coast of North America forming a total of 13 colonies. While they failed to attract many colonists from their respective home countries, these outposts nonetheless . During the early 19th century, however, there was a conspicuous exception to the trend of colonial growth, and that was the decline of the Portuguese and Spanish empires in the Western Hemisphere. The Spanish colonized to expand their empire economically through resource, Their policies and methods of colonization were consistent in every region they conquered because of this fact. Although the French government encour-aged farming efforts, the fur trade proved to be more lucrative. After unsuccessful efforts at colonization, the Dutch Parliament chartered the "West India Company," a national-joint stock company that would organize and oversee all Dutch ventures in the Western Hemisphere. They were mainly used to promote trade with the Indians for fur. Missionaries worked in schools to convert Native Americans to Christianity and also how to farm and adopt other European ways. Question: Compare the Spanish colonies with those of the French and Dutch. The Spanish and French colonies were both ruled completely by their home country. If, however, the company fails, all of the investments are lost. Social: slaves made up a lot of population, both shipped in african slaves. On the other, it has been said that many colonial powers contributed much in terms of schools, roads, railways, and much more. To this end, France fostered good relationships with Native Americans, and built on mutual benefits of the trade of beaver furs for French goods. Out of the Spanish, French, and British; the French treated the Native Americans the best. In the eighteenth century, the Dutch and English competed with the French for trade and territory, which gave local Indians continued economic, diplomatic, and military leverage as Europeans competed for their trade and military alliances through the seventeenth century. New Netherlands was a Dutch colony founded in 1609 by the Dutch East India Company to maintain Dutch fur-trading practices. It purchased the island of Manhattan from the Native Americans in 1626 and renamed it New Amsterdam. Valve Corporation. For such a small country, the Netherlands was a naval powerhouse. Direct link to Sunny Yu's post Was the Dutch East India , Posted 5 years ago. In New England, the colonies engaged in fishing, lumber, and shipbuilding. Find the lesson summary on Spanish colonization and print it out. The resulting elongated colony served primarily as a fur-trading post, with the powerful Dutch West India Company controlling all commerce. In 1620, a group of settlers left Plymouth, England, to join the settlers in Jamestown. Give one example of each. Other colonies included Martinique, which is still a French territory today. 0000013559 00000 n After 1600, colonization was made possible in North America because of the population decrease of Native Americans. Although the British colonies settled in the Americas late, they quickly became a dominant force in the new world. Of three kinds of games especially in use among these Peoples,namely, the games of crosse [lacrosse], dish, and straw,the first two are, they say, most healing. In our latest post, Suvanssh Mahajan delves into The Adivasi Question- Ownership Rights, Development and the Post-Colonial 'Sovereign State.' The Author argues In what ways and for what reasons did the experience of the various European empires differ?, Throughout history, the ultimate desideratum of states was power, and imperialism as well as colonization were an outcome of the competitive pursuit of economic and political supremacy. French colonizers pressured the native inhabitants of New France to convert, but they virtually never saw native peoples as their equals. Direct link to ChristianP's post Which 3 present-day citie, Posted 2 years ago. This led to the many differences between methods of colonization and exploration in every colony and region. 0000014604 00000 n Like the Spanish Franciscan missionaries, the Jesuits in the colony called New France labored to convert the native peoples to Catholicism. New York City, NY. 0000020363 00000 n Bacon's Rebellion The Pequot war The. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? Spanish & English colonization processes (1450-1800) were similar and different: Political: both had specific governing system. The English and French colonies were densely populated, and the citizens were more civilized. The Spanish and French both had large amounts of land. These included finding another route to the East Indies, empire building, proselytization, and the extraction of natural resources. 0000004315 00000 n However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The Dutch, French, English, Spanish and anyone else who came carried guns, which are difficult to resist. Most of the colonies in America were settled by the English, which makes them similar in many designs. The Spanish treated the Native Americans the worst. This new obtained wealth would not only have demonstrated power, but it could also be used to influence a society a certain way to convince others to follow suit. English settlers were driven from England due to religious practices and perceived themselves as saving the Indians from the Spanish and their tyrannical ways. Others significant reasons include various economic incentives and political stance as well as religious motives. Each empire had their own individual agendas and incentives for colonization. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. While most empires had the same motivations in all of their colonies in an area, the British motivations varied in each colony. They primary missionary mission was to convert the Native Americans to Christianity. The English relations with Native Americans was originally good when early colonists worked with them to trade and to help them survive. Want to create or adapt books like this? by Khan Academy published on 27 March 2021 In the 1600s CE, French and Dutch settlers in North America took a very different approach to colonization than their English or Spanish counterparts. When coming to the new world, the Spaniards and the Native Americans had unpleasant and also acceptable encounters. 0000002486 00000 n How did the English colonies differ from Spanish and French colonies quizlet? 0000009450 00000 n Britain encouraged these settlements, benefiting from the vast array of raw materials the colonies found and cultivated. The Dutch established settlements in what it called New Netherland. The first mission was founded in New Mexico by friars who accompanied a 1598 expedition by Don Juan Oante, who explored the southwest in search of gold. The French had a good relationship with the, Native Americans, they respected each other. 0000014378 00000 n One of the Dutch directors-general of the North American settlement, Peter Stuyvesant, served from 1647 to 1664 and expanded the fledgling outpost of New Netherland east to present-day Long Island and for many miles north along the Hudson River. 0000027586 00000 n In the early colonial period, the Native Americans were treated differently by three countries. But eventually power for territory led to extensive issues with them. On the, other hand, the French planned on having plantations near the Mississippi Valley but this was not, as good as they planned to be, in other words it failed . The outcomes of the British method of colonization have one aspect similar to the Spanish: the destruction of the Indian culture, mainly because of the European diseases. Thus, a wide variety of people lived in New Netherland from the start. Both revolutions followed the anatomy of a revolution and had comparable causes, however the French Revolution politically better outcomes, whereas the Latin American Revolution resulted in poverty and lost territory. They established large farms, mines, and big cities. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Alan Gibson's Email The Spanish were centered more towards Florida, and the Southwest, while the Dutch were further North, around what is now New York. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service.
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