To receive it weekly, sign up here. Yes who knows, can tell I dont know, neither does anyone else who isnt on the inside, Check Deep Fakes on Rumble. This article has been here for 2 years. The Pentagon has declined to identify the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, most of whom were captured in Afghanistan during and after the 2001 war there. Thank you Mark, some people are taking the PART OF THE PROBLEM thing way too far. Thats why nothing comes after Generation Z!! Be kind too your neighbors. (LogOut/ Although most of these have been released without charge, the United States government continues to classify many of these released detainees as "enemy combatants". Contradictory information on every post. They really think we are all morons. We also have 3 German Shepherds. The debate over what to do with the last prisoners, most of whom have never been charged, continues. that really is those people, could be them and all this is PO. As of September 2005[update] they had not published an official list of detainees. On March 3, 2006 the DoD released a memo summarizing the factors for and against his continued detention, prepared for his, Captured in Bosnia not "on the battlefield", Apprehended after being acquitted by the Bosnian Supreme Court, As of December 30, 2005 faces trial in Yemen, Released, after three years detention, when US authorities decided he was not tied to al Qaeda. But in the tug of war for transparency there, time does win out. Last names surnames tying to RC colleges and RC Churches. Coffee anyone? It should never have happened in the first place. The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life, all previously suppressed by the Deep State, are profound. [15] By January 19, 2017, at the end of the Obama Administration, the detention center remained open with 41 detainees remaining.[16]. Sends Algerian Man Home from Guantnamo Bay After 5-Year Delay", 'List of detainees who went through complete CSRT process' (PDF, scanned), 'Official Pentagon List of Detainees /page not found Nov 2018' (Text version of DoD list), US to release partial list of Guantnamo detainees, Archive of Official list of all Guantanamo prisoners, "FOIA suit reveals Guantanamo's 'indefinite detainees', "10 Guantanamo Prisoners Freed In Oman; 45 Detainees Remain", "Trump Inherits Guantanamo's Remaining Detainees", "Between Collaboration and Disobedience The Behavior of the Guacamole Detainees and its Consequences", "15 Guantnamo Detainees Are Sent to Emirates in Largest Obama-Era Transfer", "Obama to leave with 41 captives still at Guantnamo, blames politics", "Innocent Afghan wants US compensation for Guantanamo detention", "USA: Guantnamo death highlights urgent need to end indefinite detention | Amnesty International", "Muhamed Hussein Abdallah - The Guantnamo Docket", "Zainulabidin Merozhev - The Guantnamo Docket", "(S) Transfer Recommendation for Guantanamo Detainee, Mohammed Ismail, ISN: US9AF-00930DP", "I had a good time at Guantanamo, says inmate", forty Pakistanis still at Guantnamo, some may be freed, Ex-Guantanamo Spaniard cleared by supreme court, "Ex-Guantanamo inmate in Iraq suicide bombing: TV", "Report: Former Guantanamo detainee carried out Iraq suicide attack", Guantanamo -- A Holding Cell In War on Terror: Prison Represents a Problem That's Tough to Get Out Of, 'Saudi detainees at Guantanamo returned to the Kingdom; names given', "Out of Guantanamo and Bitter Toward Bin Laden", "The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", "U.S. Repatriates Moroccan From Guantnamo, and Approves a Kuwaiti's Transfer", Factors for and against the continued detention (.pdf), Guantanamo detainees unaware of defense lawyers, "Despite renewed Yemen fears, Gitmo prisoners released to next-door Oman", "Ameziane v. Obama / Ameziane v. United States", "U.S. military says 52 detainees at Guantanamo are on hunger strike", "Hunger strike confirmed at Guantanamo Bay", "Afghans tell of hunger strike at Guantanamo", "Biographies of High Value Terrorist Detainees Transferred to the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay", Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 7 ex-detainees return to fighting: Guantanamo release process called imperfect, "Youngest Guantanamo Bay prisoner Omar Khadr leaves for Canada", "Former Guantanamo Detainee Jamal Kiyemba Arrested for Murder of Ugandan Prosecutor", US releases three Pakistanis jailed in Guantanamo, Inmates Released from Guantanamo Tell Tales of Despair, "Mustaq Ali Patel - The Guantnamo Docket", "WikiLeaks and the Guantnamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part Four of Five) | Andy Worthington", "Transferred to France - The Guantnamo Docket", "Yemeni Guantnamo Prisoner Is Transferred to Italy After 14 Years", Guantnamo: The Definitive Prisoner List (Part 1), Names of the Detained in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, Associated Press Guantnamo Detainee Court Documents Archive, Office of the Secretary of Defense & Joint StaffFOIA Requester Service Center, Executive Order Task ForceGuantanamo Final Review Dispositions as of January 22, 2010, New York Times Guantanamo research database, Countries of Citizenship of Guantanamo detainees, Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance. Mild symptoms at most. I just bought another one and have been training a couple people. Go after them! Thank you. The list didn't specify whether the detainees were still in detention at Guantanamo; whether they had been determined to be "enemy combatants"; whether they were released, or repatriated to the custody of their home country. Update for 2021 regarding the arrests and executions of famous people and politicians (The Deep State). It lists the known identities of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp in Cuba. List of Guantanamo Bay detainees - Wikipedia List of Guantanamo Bay detainees Read Edit View history Detainees by nationality Afghan (29%) Saudis (17%) Yemenis (15%) Pakistanis (9%) Algerians (3%) Others (27%) As of February 2 2023, [1] 34 detainees remain at Guantanamo Bay. What they can do with CGI H5N1 Human Bird Flu Explained By Dr. John Campbell Following Cambodia Case ~ March 4, 2023, POPE FRANCIS VISITS AFRICA ~ March 4, 2023, RT News March 3 2023 (20:00 MSK) ~ March 4, 2023, Separating Fact From Fiction on Fox News/Dominion Lawsuit. Evidence is about to be revealed. 100% corruption, 100% down the line. [6] On March 3, 2006 the DoD partially complied with a court order to release the names of the remaining Guantnamo detainees. and the satanists. Convicted (plea bargain). No wonder the hornets next of the EVIL Left is so active. The people need to stop selecting attorneys for politicians except our elections are fake. This is pure evil and needs to be eradicated from the earth. I did not play the game on the fake pandemicno jab and no masks.I knew that was fake . Details about seven deaths reported as suicides and reports of attempted suicides is at Guantanamo suicide attempts. And now with all the sex and child and drug trafficking. We dont want our money going to other countries for rediculous studies. he Deep State international network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and extracted to Gitmo via sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces. I know more people joining militias in their area. James Woods acting skills are par excellence. Some think its James Woods, a conservative in Hollywood. This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. There was so much evidence. On April 19, 2006, the DoD released a list with 558 names in what appears to be a fax or other scanned image. I saw him on the shuttle. Where are all the good guys????? 15 passenger van rental destin florida. It's. he is cabal too he helped obama he had crimes against hummanity charged with treason how is he not in jail or executed THOMAS WAYNE 2021-203953 8/31/2021 BAGNUOLO, BRANDON MICHAEL 2020-198448 12/8/2020 . The Plandemic: You have no proof, so why do it? Marilyn August 13, 2020 at 12:19 PM. When called on it, Steve instead critiques a mis-spelled word. [2][3] This list of Guantnamo prisoners has the known identities of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, but is compiled from various sources and is incomplete. Was 14 years old when captured. People do need to wake up; luckily many have. "2/2021: Partial List of Gitmo Arrests/Executions" Excerpt: ".All famous people arrested were either treasonous or involved in satanic worship rituals. We have been lied to for do long. During President Trump's State of the Union address, he announced plans to expand Guantanamo Bay in order to house 'Deep State traitors' such as Clinton, Podesta, and Obama. Stacey, I agree, except on the FD part. Acknowledged being a member of the Taliban. The children of these people who have supposedly been executed dont seem upset to be losing mommy or daddy. Released from Guantanamo in January 2004. following his release, he subsequently fought with the Taliban and was killed in Afghanistan by coalition forces on September 26, 2004. Government. Although Judge Jed Rakoff had already dismissed this argument, Pentagon spokesmen Bryan Whitman justified withholding the names out of a concern for the detainees' privacy. Meaning each prisoner costs about $13 million per year, something Rabbani mentioned. any answers? After some discussion, we still prominently display each mans Detainee Internment Serial Number, for a singular reason: Their names change throughout the U.S. intelligence documents sometimes because of faulty intelligence, at others because of cultural ignorance even as their numbers remained the same. Top row, from L to R: Uthman Abdul Rahim Uthman, Moath al-Alwi, Khaled Qassim, Abdul Latif Nasir (now freed). More than 200 former Guantanamo Bay inmates returned to terrorism following their release, according to a declassified Office of National Intelligence report. REAL RAW NEWS: A disruptive Hillary Clinton was placed in lockdown at GITMO following a series of incidents in which the former Secretary of State spat on guards, defecated on the floor of her cell, assaulted U.S. military personnel, and, in her witch's cackle, hurled obscenities indefatigably at staff and fellow inmates, said a source familiar with Clinton's arrest and incarceration at . Their removal from powerful global leadership positions will help greatly in ending their decades-long policies of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life all over the planet. Bob Kudla discusses the latest economic news. Believed between 12 and 15 years old when detained. Captured at age 15 following a fire fight between insurgents and US military during which a soldier was killed. Since 2002, 779 Muslim men and boys have been held at Guantnamo, nearly all of them without charge or trial. You might find this extremely interesting. On a lightly floured surface, roll each pastry sheet into a 12-in. It goes very deep. How can WE THE PEOPLE stop this madness while the Military and Trump gather up all the cabal garbage for disposal? Kamala Harris is apparently at Gitmo for being a Satanic Pedophile. Look up latest updated lists for 2021. Two Prison Barges To Gitmo Adding 12000 Inmates! IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LIST THEM ALL ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE 2021 UPDATED: ANDREW McCABE ARRESTED & SERVING LIFE They are all trying to save their own asses. Show these corrupt politicians we the people are in control not them. Steve is just a deep state moron/troll. The only way we will ever take back the country I grew up in is by every person with a brain (that still functions) to unite with common sense goals. Those criminals in government all need to go and I am one of the millions that will do what is needed to get it done. Great point Joe, I want to know also. The Taliban on Tuesday announced the formation of a hardline interim government for Afghanistan, filling top posts with veterans of the militant group who oversaw the 20-year fight against the US . Executions in 2021 Most states carry out executions with a three-drug lethal-injection protocol. The Guantnamo Docket, a database that tracks men and boys who have been detained there, is one of the longest continually updated digital projects undertaken by The Times. There are more documents, notably updated intelligence estimates assembled for the parole-like board that began evaluating Guantnamo cases in earnest in 2014, as well as more links to other sources and, for those charged, live links to the military commissions cases. If you are board go count sand. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine. Exactly Steve. Sajin Urayman was repatriated on 16 July 2003. Came from Adelaide, Australia. ???? Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Others use a single drug. At home and around the world, Guantnamo has become a symbol of injustice, abuse, and disregard for the rule of law. The kids look very happy. They do this bullshit every one hundred years. Just saw episode on Charlie ward show. Federal Reserve HOAX YOU WORK FOR THEM! Uh, I dont know who Annette is and comments are never hidden. I went to a store yesterday with signs saying masks are mandatory. Never surrender guns. That was Comey, Brennan was already in GITMO, serving life. are assisting Somali soldiers fighting Al Shabab, and by a health care system that utterly failed him, The case has irritated U.S. relations with a crucial military ally. chuck schumer arrested & at gitmo. On April 20, 2006, the DoD released a portable document format file that listed 558 names. Humanity Will Be Shocked At The Horror Of Evidence! They cant arrest us all. Biden has said he hopes to close the military prison in Cuba, where 39 people remain incarcerated. How does he get his info? The Deep States planned covid hoax Agenda. The entrance to Camp Delta at Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, in 2010. It is the corrupt Media, and Liberal party that controls and criminalizes the people!! Convicted of bombing a natural gas pipeline. one of the first detainees to be released. I dont think that happened. Some global and political elites named in the indictments would be tried in federal courts, some faced Military Tribunals at GITMO, while others would go before international courts. 16. I turned to The Docket in my years at The Miami Herald. As of now there are 182,771 sealed, 21,381 unsealed, and 409,152 non-sealed indictments for child pedophilia and trafficking offenses. Sounds like they only added one additional court room, doesnt seem to be enough to handle the massive number. This will be blamed on Covid19. OH. Yet on another page she went through trial at GITMO in April this year and was executed on the evening of the 26 of April, 9:05 pm. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. Beyonce can get ugly pictures off YouTube, so she is okay with this ugly message! I found them in short order. It will be anarchy from all sides., Covid-19means the certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence and 19 was the year in which it was created.. Her interview will tell you all of what we have been talking about is real! Eliminate the departments that are duplicates in states, cut out the federal middle man, eliminate NASA, FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS plus many more departments used to spy on regular people, and stop them from printing more money . Have you seen any defamation cases. THERE HAVE BEEN THOUSANDS OF ARRESTS AROUND THE WORLD. 2. Hillary Clinton tweet, April 27, 2021 You and Me Both, " Paradigm shift ," April 27, 2021 ABC News, Hillary Clinton to co-author new thriller, 'State of Terror,' April 22, 2021 What is Mala? What were their actual crimes? We knew. We surely dont have all the info about anything! The job of the US military is to protect the people FIRST, against enemies both foreign and domestic. Valarie Clark I really do not believe he is blaming all Canadians, Im sure he is referring to the Evip people I. [5][6], 775 detainees have been brought to Guantanamo. Horrific. It is never right to assume anything. . He was still potus from November 4th 2019 all the way up until January 20th. Its an act. Maybe there isnt one, dont know. The DETAILS of their passing, with the exception of a few cases, are being withheld from the public, until after President Trump's re-election on Nov 3 2020, after which time, the names and details will be eeked out. Code The Cost of Running Guantanamo Bay: $13 Million Per Prisoner. Hey Steve. #GODWINS. However I believe this is old news and they are releasing it now. Press Esc to cancel. This information is far from complete. ! They are the most Ridiculous Dummy Actors, Clones or whatever they are opening our borders to all. Funny, we see lots of names, named, but ZERO proof of ANY kind. Military Tribunals at GITMO: A Partial List of Those Believed Named in Over 71,000 Federal Indictments he Deep State international network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and extracted to Gitmo via sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces. DoD's memo summarizing the factors for and against his continued detention, Committed suicide in cell on June 10, 2006, Identified as "Mani Shaman Turki al-Habardi Al-Utaybi" by DoD on June 11, 2006, Reported to have been issued ID number 588 and had been identified in earlier document, Lawyers reported that DoD refused to forward their mail to detainee, claiming they were. Guantanamo detainees known to have been released, Al Balushi, Salah Abdul Rasul Ali Abdul Rahman, Al Hameydani, Khalid Bin Abdullah Mishal Thamer, Al Tamini, Abd Al Razzaq Abdallah Ibrahim, Jarabh, Saeed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullab Sarem, A Profile of 517 Detainees through Analysis of Department of Defense Data, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Articles with dead external links from October 2010, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, Articles with obsolete information from July 2010, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2005, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2008, People held at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism, Al Hanashi, Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh, Al Kandari, Abdullah kamel bin Abdullah Kamal, Al Zarnuki, Mohammed Ali Salem Al Zarnuki,, Guantnamo: The Definitive Prisoner List (Part 1), Names of the Detained in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, Associated Press Guantnamo Detainee Court Documents Archive, 'List of detainees who went through complete CSRT process' (PDF, scanned), 'Official Pentagon List of Detainees' (Text version of DoD list), US to release partial list of Guantnamo detainees, Official list of all Guantanamo detainees, The Guantanamo Docket - Zainulabidin Merozhev, forty Pakistanis still at Guantnamo, some may be freed, Ex-Guantanamo Spaniard cleared by supreme court, Guantanamo -- A Holding Cell In War on Terror: Prison Represents a Problem That's Tough to Get Out Of, 'Saudi detainees at Guantanamo returned to the Kingdom; names given', Factors for and against the continued detention (.pdf), Guantanamo detainees unaware of defense lawyers, "Biographies of High Value Terrorist Detainees Transferred to the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay",, 7 ex-detainees return to fighting: Guantanamo release process called imperfect, US releases three Pakistanis jailed in Guantanamo, Inmates Released from Guantanamo Tell Tales of Despair. Alex Gibney. Wait minute, they have surrendered their citizenship, once they freely decide to become enemy combatants and then traitors. The plupart of the names on the list below have been executed (or murdered, or committed suicide) since the new year. OBVIOUSLY, THERE WILL SOON BE MANY MORE PRISONERS IN GITMO AND SINCE THE NATIONAL GUARD WAS SENT IN, THESE WILL MOST LIKELY BE HIGH-PROFILE PRISONERS. Repatriated to Morocco on September 17, 2015. W hen a shackled Mansoor Adayfi was lumped on to a heap of shivering, . Politicians are taking over with control and power. Then, compare that kids face, to Jared Kushners photo. Find this by using my search bar by typing in Gitmo. Updated for the eighth time in October 2022, this definitive Guantnamo prisoner list was first published in March 2009, and subsequently updated from four parts to six (see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6).I first updated it on January 1, 2010, and again on July 12, 2010, and I updated it for the third time at the start of June 2011, to mark the fourth anniversary of the . A Palestinian man known as Abu Zubaydah was held by the agency the longest for more than 1,600 days and remains at Guantnamo, although he has never been charged with a crime. Seven of the 32 prisoners still held at Guantnamo (and five who have been freed). Kneu Reeves? So, who puts President Trump back in? READ IT !everything that is coming down is the whole reason why President Donald J. Trump is president. People are programmed in this matrix of Hollywood fakery from childhood onward. Paul, this is a GREAT COMMENT and part of what Im writing about soon. The millions if not billions used just on political ads is insanity. Came from Adelaide, Australia. I tell my dad just some of this stuff he says cant prove any thing am like yes but you cant prove what you think is true, is true either. I have no idea what is true. (LogOut/ Im with u Im willing to do whatever it takes we need to stand together United we stand divided we fall. . These people are actors in real life. WTFO? Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. gitmo update: arrests, indictments and executions 2021; For more then 20 years, Primex Logistics has been a reliable partner in the field of logistics and cargo forwarding. Claimed to be over one hundred years old. You should do an article about Deep Fakes, Mask, Doubles, Holograms. . Commanders would brief reporters regularly, and guards would come forward to speak with pride about their service there but were not allowed to name the men in the orange uniforms. But, again, I have been hearing this since Trump left the White House. Its important to learn for safety reasons and protection. Clones, no idea on this one, but who can say. Its like mopping up a spill but you dont removed the dumped over container or pail first to stop the flow ! Tom, these are good points and I have heard the same. I have heard that arrests and executions wont start till President trump gives orders?? [7] Initially, the DoD released only 317 names. THERE HAVE BEEN THOUSANDS OF ARRESTS AROUND THE WORLD. Michael Aquino was an uncle married to his aunt Lillith Sinclair Aquino. Inmate Release Information Search. UFC Fighter Blasts Jimmy Kimmel As A Pedo, White House Calls Anti-2nd Amendment Summit. When President Biden took office in 2021, there were 40 men detained at Guantanamo. Lopez is also on the list and was not arrested and executed. On April 20, 2006 the DoD released a portable document format file that listed 558 names. We are not getting what we pay for. They Provide the Problems along with the Solutions, Wake Up Dumb Humans! Take a look at a photo of Ivankas first kid, next to Daddy Donald. Who knows. [8] The unrepatriated include ethnic Uyghurs who were training to fight for independence from the Chinese government in Xinjiang province, and who are now wanted by the Chinese authorities.[8]. On April 19, 2006, the DoD released a list with 558 names. YOU ARE RIGHT! The deal vanished. At that time they were trying to figure out how he did it. Already from within, lets wake here. Psy-Op malarky from day 1. Last Updated: February 10, 2022 Eleven prisoners have been executed in the United States in 2021 by the U.S. federal government and five states. Hey Steve, putting this kind of stuff out doesnt serve any point. @GitmoWatch. Why do They have no credit anymore. Individuals with "SAMWL" are listed on the Saudi Arabian most wanted list, released in February 2009. FEMA Prison Barges moored at Guantanamo Bay for the overflow of VIP prisoners awaiting Military Trial.The Deep State Cabal,their pocket politicians and gangster friends await execution or life in prison by US Military Tribunal. PERFECTLY SAID PAUL! That is why he was never an A list actor. 32 New Detainees Arrive at Gitmo Associated Press GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba - Shackled and wearing orange jumpsuits and goggles, 32 detainees arrived on this bleak outpost Wednesday the. When it SMELLS like BS, looks like BS, it almost always is ! READ THE CONSTITUTION. The US courts will not hear cases regarding election fraud, as they are part of The Deep State (Cabal.). Justin and younger brother, alexander both share dec 25th as birthdays. As of June 8, 2021, a total of 37 offenders are scheduled to be executed in the United States. A lot of people will die from this. Where is the frozen asset money of these people going? I ask myself that question constantly, Juan OSavin says at the proper time the Military will bring back a civilian government per Constitution once all the fraud of the election is exposed. ts heritage.
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