Serene has asked for a break-down of those costs (as is the legal responsibility of Hall and Wilcox; they have however completely ignored that request. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. Her VCAT case against the Alfred continues, final hearing dates in 2 week's time. Melbourne is now out of lockdown but United Collectives ongoing relevance has much to do with its ability to pivot focus. Feb 19 2023. This is Serene Teffaha. The only jurisdiction where our unalienable rights can be protected is in the exclusive jurisdiction of equity, and if Serena was to awake to this reality, and verse herself with its inherent power, then the tyrants would have real problems. Author Sarah Wilson has raised the alarm about what she calls conspiritualism. YouGov polling carried out in July and August last year found that 21% of people polled agreed that the truth about the harmful effects of vaccines is being deliberately hidden from the public, and 20% of people polled believed pharmaceutical companies were deliberately delaying or hiding a Covid-19 vaccine in order to drive up the price. Our single page document - Notice of Claim to Protest. Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door The excursion is just one example of how a group of highly motivated individuals whose belief in a dizzying array of conspiracy causes have coalesced into an organised movement during the pandemic. The Guardian has not been able to independently confirm whether the actor was Lucas. lawyer serene teffaha explains the law re: bio-security act - forced medical measures & procedures #13 AUSTRALIA POLICE CHOKES WOMAN FOR NOT WEARING MASK #14 Mirror: Ms Teffaha said she had never had any clients complain about her. Wood has evidence to back up his whistle blowing and has filed it in a US court. The towers lawsuit lodged in the supreme court last week alleges the more than 3,000 residents in nine public housing towers subject to a five-day lockdown in July last year suffered degrading and oppressive conditions that breached their human rights. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court" An update on Vicki, the unvaxxed woman denied a place on the heart transplant list. Since any human being who as such is a legal entity, a human being is of form as well. Serene Teffaha, who has filed a lawsuit against Victorias Covid lockdown, says the states Legal Services Board has threatened to cancel her. My immune system has just become so solid from my way of life, how I live and eat and think, she said. As the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, I demand that you release to me in hard-copy writing the full details of any action ASIO has taken against me since the middle of 2018 in particular and at any time in my life earlier. Only corporate soles and corporations can file under the current Sup. A legal entity has been formed by man. Records may be available through the National Archives of Australia. It got to the point where I had people I know from social media telling me, you know, about how Daniel Andrews was storing children in tunnels during the lockdown, she told the Guardian. The answer is to file in the equity division, which still is to be found in all Supreme Courts. Mainstream media and the Chief Justice are silent, of course.The Wood-Teffaha cases have unsurprising parallels: The system, i.e. The law firm pursuing these class action lawsuits,, is searching for expert witnesses to speak to a number of aspects of the situation. The danger posed by the VLSB and Hall and Wilcox unlawfully usurping the client information has in some sense passed. As a result of what happened with the VLSB, and the attempted unlawful take-over of the Detention Towers Class Action, the clients of the Detention Towers Class Action have now instructed Clemens Haskin Legal But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. Kaz Ross, a researcher who specialises in misinformation and the far right, argues the fusion between conspiracy theories and the wellness sphere has much to do with the clear overlap in their distrust of traditional institutions, as well as the way Covid-19 allowed the pre-existing anti-vaccination movement to capitalise on peoples fears during the pandemic. I refer to your request for information that may be held in Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) records. She talked about attending the Met Gala and appearing in Hollywood blockbusters. Its all tied up in that wellness, Instagram influencer grift; its how they make money.. It became a career path, suddenly. Lawyer Serene Teffaha explains the Law re: Bio-security act - forced medical measures & procedures The Crazz Files August 14, 2020 Jace Ventura Draconian measures undertaken by Australian Government are unlawful. In August last year, Matt Lawson, a Melbourne-based conspiracy theorist and anti-5G activist linked to the group that helped organise the citys anti-lockdown protests last year, held one of his regular YouTube gabfests. Lawyer Serena Teffaha taking on Australia's 'Deep State' By TONY MOBILIFONITIS THE national class action against the COVID-19 tyranny has been relaunched, Melbourne lawyer and human rights advocate Serene Teffaha has announced. and blessed in all good works, Instead of releasing this person to seek medical attention, she was thrown against a wall by one of the police officers. Interesting legal antics played out at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on Tuesday 25 May 2021 where Victorian advocate lawyer Serene Teffaha presented her case to stay the decision of Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB) canceling her license to practice. The Supreme Court of Victoria has removed the normal protocols of a directions hearing, reasonable time to file a notice of appearance and they have hijacked my right to appeal the decision to appoint a Manager within 7 days. Subject: Enquiry regarding actions of ASIO against Andrew [Middle Name Withheld] Mackinnon A senior member of the Family Court of Australia, deputy principal registrar Virginia Wilson, sent a letter to the Victorian Legal Services Board in January about Ms Teffahas conduct in a family law case when Justice Kirsty Marion Macmillan took the unusual step of restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. As wellness became more fashionable, it devolved into what she called a green-smoothie elitism which replaced those legitimate questions about the power of various industries with a more wishy-washy, truth-lite which put individuals above the common good. consecrated to be our Head and Prince, What is legal is of form, what is lawful is of substance (Blacks Law 1st Edition). Assorted Conspiracy . Its a trend that experts are increasingly familiar with. Why are we not allowed a voice to be heard? Form. She has also spoken out about corruption issues in the Family Court of Australia, which lead to statements from the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council that her comments were baseless, inappropriate and undermining of the criminal justice system. The Melbourne-based lawyer, Serene Teffaha, who during the pandemic has appeared at anti-lockdown rallies and on YouTube with conspiracists such as the former celebrity chef Pete Evans, last week filed a class-action lawsuit in Victorias supreme court on behalf of the residents. They said her comments were baseless, inappropriate and undermining of the criminal justice system and warned there was no place for the claims. Natural Law is the law that defines the operation of the will of the Divine through its existence in the form of matter and physical rules. On 14 April 2021 the Victorian Legal Services Board appointed Jacob Uljans, a Partner of Hall & Wilcox Lawyers, as Manager of the sole practitioner law practice of Serene Teffaha trading as Advocate Me (the Law Practice). Advertisement Ad Local News On 19 March 2021, the applicant was . How bizarre that a lawyer-advocates specialized action be handed over to some corporate law firm that is probably reliant on all sorts of government work.Teffahas treatment mirrors that of Lin Wood, a prominent US defamation lawyer from Georgia who suddenly became a national villain in the eyes of the Democrat-media-big tech corporate cabal because he took very clear election corruption matters to court, only to find the courts did not have the integrity or guts to even look at the evidence.Wood also committed the unmentionable cardinal sin of accusing certain people in high office of crimes against children among them Chief Justice Roberts of the US Supreme Court. If we think you have a genuine and legitimate claim, then our Brisbane unfair dismissal lawyers will be happy to help you out with a fee arrangement to suit your situation. Copyright 2021 Advocate Me. In a large class action that might not be straightforward.. Recent polling shows that belief in conspiracies in Australia does go beyond the usual suspects. That prompted a magistrate to lodge a complaint, not against child trafficking, but Teffaha, for making submissions that may be prejudicial to or diminish the public confidence in the administration of justice. you may reign with him who is the King of Kings, The lawsuit lists Victorias deputy chief health officer, Annaliese van Diemen, deputy public health commander, Finn Romanes, police commissioner, Shane Patton, and the state of Victoria as defendants. Subject: Resolving your concern n August last year, Matt Lawson, a Melbourne-based conspiracy theorist and anti-5G activist linked to the group that helped organise the citys anti-lockdown protests last year, held one of his regular YouTube gabfests. She claims to have raised in excess of $650,000 to run the broad-brush class action, which she says is being held in a trust account that she hasnt touched, and told the Guardian she had more than 5,000 people signed up as part of the still-unfiled lawsuit. Solicitor Serene Teffaha has been fighting against the government's removal of civil liberties under the guise of COVID for some time, recently filing a class action lawsuit against Melbourne's controversial public housing lockdown in an effort to stand up for the rights of more than 3,000 tenants. Serene was ready to add the current clients of Advocate Me as another party to the proceedings; however, in an unusual and surprising move, the VLSB sought an adjournment, which was granted by Justice Richards (after the recusal of Justice Forbes). Using his phone to record himself, Lawson rang the doorbell and spoke to a staff member over an intercom, saying he was there to deliver information about informed consent. Serenes campaigns have been very powerful; and as a result of her resolute representation of the people of Australia that have suffered human rights breaches and crimes against humanity; the Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB); have cancelled Serenes Legal Practitioner Licence. She has given them more time to put more evidence with 3 barristers on board while I have not been given any say in the time I require to prepare, the time I require to have representation and when they are lying that they want to do this to protect the clients from me. Appalling liars! Thank you so much for your support Tony. Lawyer Serene Teffaha from Advocate Me has lodged papers for an unprecedented class-action on behalf of the 3000 residents confined to the Flemington and North Melbourne high-rises. Please follow and like us: Ecclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. On Monday, Ms Teffaha said losing her licence would not affect the class action, and that she had written a whistleblower complaint against the legal watchdog for what she considered to be the targeting of her litigation. Teffaha had reportedly said a child taken by an alleged child-stealing syndicate had been let down by the police and judiciary and the court was enabling his abuse. I will be with you until the end of the case. This is what your government doesnt want you to know about. Hi Editer Thanks for helping Serene. Update: In a patronising move, Justice Forbes has extended the hearing until 10:30am tomorrow 22 April 2021. Date: 4/21/2021 at 4:12 PM From anti-vaxxers to 5G conspiracists, the Web of lies series explores the growth and spread of misinformation and conspiracy thinking in Australia. The appointment was made pursuant to sections 327(2)(b) and 334 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law. About Us; Argentino argued that child-trafficking narratives associated with QAnon helped merge the communities, pointing to the well-publicised hijacking of the save the children hashtag by QAnon followers. Chair of the Victorian Bar Class Actions Section, Lachlan Armstrong, QC, said that the class action would likely continue but that there might be some complications.