They wont waste time with superficiality. You might struggle with even basic things like frying an egg. Sex is the ultimate expression of love to Venus in Scorpio; however you're not interested in casual sex per se. Make sure they know that youre worth confiding in, too. Impressions of sexual identity can radically shift. Scorpio is incredibly intuitive and can read anyone like a book, allowing them to give their partner the utmost pleasure. They possess you, and somehow make it seem attractive to be possessed. Other people can sense the hidden depth of these individuals lying behind their faces. Venus, the planet of love and relating, enters enigmatic Scorpio on Sept. 10, bringing with it a dramatic change in the way we relate to others. The Venus in Scorpio woman is intense, provocative and exciting. Venus in Scorpio women tend to form such intensely emotional bonds with those that they love, but theyre not always secure in their feelings. This is a time when you may feel vulnerable, but it is also a time when you have more power than at any other period in your life. Theyre straightforward, direct, and give themselves totally to their partner. Only another person with Venus in Scorpio (or Moon in Scorpio) can fully comprehend your emotional depth and sensitivity. Scorpio is touchy and suspicious and is well known for its vengeful and vindictive bend. She is stalking Mars and Pluto; she bonds throughout eternity. Scorpio, Scorpio . Unless they have other planets in Libra or Sagittarius they wont be very social. Sometimes, she might be up to mischief. A person's appearance is dictated by a whole host of factors in the chart, especially the Rising sign, the placement of the ruling planet and the Sun sign. Women born with Venus in Scorpio will be incredibly sexually magnetic. He takes a delight in the finer things in life, which he tries to surround himself with. The Venus in Scorpio woman is least compatible with the man who has his Venus in Taurus. The Venus in scorpio woman has both strengths and weaknesses in her personality. Attracting through sex appeal and power. Some of their interests include the supernatural, occult, astrology, and even magic. She is committed to achieving her purpose regardless of anything that happens in her life. Although she often hides her emotions it does not mean she does not have any. They are passionate, intense, competitive, possessive, jealous and temperamental. This makes her an Oprah-level interviewer. With love and support, however, she can learn to open up to her partner on her own and work towards building a stronger relationship. She would fiercely chase her dreams and is determined to do all that it takes. They prefer to keep their feelings bottled up, which is especially difficult for those influenced by the deeply emotional energy of Venus. Depth and intimacy become more important, urging us to trade in frivolous flings for long-lasting romance. Additionally, the Venus in Scorpio wealth has the intention of changing your fortunes in love. But, no matter how many times love fails them, Scorpio Venus remains hopelessly drawn to soul-bearing romance. Venus in Scorpio in the natal chart - values Values are what will always be a priority for us. 1. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Shes also great at adapting on her feet. While they are great lovers and attentive partners, they also are tough on their partners. They rarely rock the boat, but still make their voice heard. Here are some of these peoples best traits: Their commitment to being a good lover. She is prone to exhibiting a great amount of maturity even at young age. If you were born with Venus in Scorpio, you love with intensity. Being a water sign, Scorpio also deals with a myriad of emotions that others can only imagine. Perhaps that combination of beauty and pain is only fitting for the astrological icon of love and pleasure. Strong-willed Blunt and unforgiving Vengeful Sensual Masterful Mars in Scorpio women have a lot of energy. When you are born under Venus in Scorpio, you know just how attractive you are. He is motivated to get into a relationship with her because of her love for people. Theres a high earning potential and an ability to manage money. How Do People Share The News About Their Engagements? You also know that attractiveness isnt just about the symmetry or your face or the gloss of your hair. That said, you know that you are your greatest investment, so you do invest in yourself. Theres both a desire for and inhibition of malevolent emotions, like vengeance, manipulation, and jealousy. Hence, for Scorpio, true love is a serious business. She is capable of adapting if things arent going well for her. Their lovers often remember their time together for that very reason. They are cherished by lovers because of their passion and devotion to their significant other. It might feel uneven at first, as Scorpio likes to learn the other before revealing themself, but eventually, they will share their dark secrets and fears, too. While they may be willing to make a new friend, most feel wary and uneasy when hanging around strangers for the first time. The end of the transit promises a boost to confidence, enabling you to reach higher heights in relationships than you might have imagined. She will sacrifice her happiness to ensure he is loved. Scorpio Venus people understand the deep recesses of human nature. Instead of working on the same task all day, they prefer a position that offers a little bit of variety. Their emotions go to extremes of paranoia and jealousy, and the potential for healing is lost. Venus in Scorpio women can be complex, and while they arent always the easiest to deal with, they make life an exciting ride for those around them. The drama of the chase and throwing up barriers to entry feed their attraction for intense and forbidden romances. Emanate intensity and psychological depth with your gaze. Love for this placement feels fated and extreme. The Venus in Scorpio natal is one of the sources of inspiration you have to comply with it. But suffused with Scorpios boiling passion and intensity, it can be hard for Venusian energies to settle. Venus In Scorpio Meaning: Excellent Lovers When love is your drive, the Venus in Scorpio should be the power behind it. But at the same time, if the interview takes a different path, she will adapt easily. These people are exceptionally loyal and keep friendships for life. They are very secretive and do not like many people knowing about any emotions that could make them feel vulnerable. heir emotions go to extremes of paranoia and jealousy, and the potential for healing is lost. These men are extremely passionate in the bedroom, and often has the intensity of the first time, only better as you both learn what the other likes. Scorpio women can have trouble expressing themselves and often unleash their anger in an unhealthy way. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As long as you know what you are doing, you are happy. They may not necessarily be pretty or commercially attractive but they will draw people in with their raw sexual power. Sex without intimacy is ultimately uninteresting to you. Sex is something that means a lot to the Venus in Scorpio. The Moon in Scorpio woman is sensual and seductive. As well as being an amazing lover, he also has some deeply fascinating aspects to his personality. But if you can reassure them of your loyalty, you will get nothing but complete devotion in return. The core thing about passion and attention in love is that it expands trust. This placement gives great devotion and loyalty to friends, family, and lovers. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, and Scorpio Venus people dont disappoint in this area. They are passionate about mysteries, they can be psychologists, therapists or good investigators. When someone lets the Venus in Scorpio man down, he will end up detaching from that person. Many Venus in Scorpio women find an outlet in the arts. The Venus in Scorpio woman will bring about a new revolution, changing society from within, breaking apart the bubble of age-old traditions that we've been swirling in. Knowing our values helps us better understand ourselves and take on the position of masters of our lives. They can even hold resentments for years over this sort of thing. For her, its just her adventurous nature. Venus in Scorpio men and Venus in Scorpio women tend to be magnetic, seductive, and truthful. They may like to partake in sex with many different people regardless of being in a relationship. Sun and Moon signs both come with their fair share of stereotypes. Your email address will not be published. The Venus in Leo woman can be quite dramatic and loves to be the center of attention. Socially speaking, we find more meaning in intimate . They may cover their whole body with clothes just to keep people guessing what they look like under there. Your moves come second. They are strong, efficient, and self-reliant, with a powerful sense of purpose to guide them. Even though they ooze charm, Venus in Scorpio women arent always the most sociable people. Because of this, they arent direct or confrontational when looking to attract a love interest. So let them know that love to you is intense, that you wont run from emotionally cathartic experiences, that that youre open to having your soul bared to your lover. This transit often indicates major transformations in relationships. Dont forget that these are stereotypes only, and to get a more detailed and holistic understanding of how the stars impact you, you need to consult an astrologer who can look at your full natal chart. It has secrets and mysteries that they keep hidden deep below the surface and rarely shows to anyone. Sex is important for her in a romantic relationship. You have the ability to influence others with your magnetism but exert care, as this may be too much too handle for some. Element: Water. Venus in Pisces women tend to attract men pretty easily because they have such a sensitive, feminine aura. Decide to start lifting? They will win you over but be careful, they might just get under your skin. As Venus shifts into a. Answer (1 of 8): Venus in Scorpio is highly intuitive and doesn't trust easily or open up much but when they find one that can break that wall, they are obsessed with the desire of their affection. hi i am a male with venus in scorpio in the 8th house.. i would love to hear more about this placement when you finish your latest thoughts about it.. thanks ..i loved what you posted so far about it, Your email address will not be published. If you are born under Venus in Sagittarius, you love very intensely, but you are very open in your love. This makes the person shes talking to feel very much noticed and liked. There could be dramas in relationships, as well as secret attractions drawing you toward someone new. Thankfully Venus does not retrograde through Scorpio often, and will not do so again until 2026. Theyre willing to dive headfirst into a new relationship, regardless of the consequences. Have a powerful, even morbid tinge to your energy. The Venus in Scorpio woman is naturally magnetic, drawing people in with her flirtatious personality and her charm. Scorpio Venus has a compulsive need to know their lovers innermost secrets. You tend to be the kind of person who craves power rather than the trappings of it, so you are less likely to invest in things and more likely to spend your resources on education and experience. Her seductive Scorpio charm draws people in, before she reveals her underlying vulnerability and insecurity when they get to know her better. They crave affection and intimacy instead of just physical closeness. They crave intensity and passion in their relationships and want a partner who is as willing to commit as they are. It is very important to you, for you need to be with someone genuine who hates superficial things and people as much as you do. Of course, much depends upon your own natal Venus position. They will be absolutely devoted and channeled towards you, and look like they are never afraid of anything. Her intense sensuality and strong personality will wow any man she is with. They feel that doing so restores any power that theyve given up to their partner and makes them feel safer in their place in the relationship. heyre good at helping others find untapped or hidden abilities or talents. Women with Venus in Scorpio do not always have many friends. While these might not seem like the most romantically intense signs, they play hard to get, which Scorpio cant resist, and they can be very intense in their emotions once they let their guards down. They need to control their own destinies and will often create goalsand love the satisfaction of achieving them. We earn from qualifying purchases. While Venus in Scorpio loves passionately and totally, theres also a dark side to their temperament. In a relationship, commitment and loyalty are very important. Venus in Scorpio is highly compatible with Venus in Virgo or Capricorn. He knows how to treat a woman. Venus in Scorpio: When intense, magnetic Venus in Scorpio walks into a room, the men turn to look and the women hold onto their men a little tighter. Once in love, no one is more devoted than the Scorpio Venus. While shes adaptable and has high emotional intelligence, she can also be a trouble-maker and overly competitive. What other people see is their problem. They are sexy, passionate and highly magnetic. Its one of the more difficult placements for Venus. You are not only not afraid to get your hands dirty when it comes to . The Scorpio has the enlightenment of what to achieve in your struggles. Unlike Scorpios ruling planet, Mars, Venus is represented by the mind and heart instead of the body. They will usually have deep watery eyes and a flirtatious smile. This can be helpful in a relationship because they will be willing to solve issues as they arise, so the conflict doesn't fester. You also have naturally suspicious tendencies and find it hard to trust. You have the capacity for profound love, and you yearn for closeness. His sister sure smiles a lot when she's around him. Scorpios dont enjoy being referred to as jealous, but from time to time, jealousy and possessiveness become issues in your relationships. They may love going out at night and doing weird things like night time skinny dipping at the beach, or trying some new exotic ethnic restaurant that nobody knows about, or having some psychedelic experience with some Peruvian Shaman. She can be quite secretive about her life, which is part of her desire to be mysterious and a bit out of reach. Venus in Scorpio needs to be in control of this decision to fall in love however so it's likely you'll end up being initially guarded and slow to reveal yourself to a prospective lover as you size up the genuine potential of long term romance. And, thats when you will feel the sting of a tail. Your future partner will have good qualities that govern your love. This means we'll crave meaningful and intense experiences when Venus is in Scorpio. The Venus in Scorpio's interest in romance can be a problem in relationships because it becomes the main focus. Hes not afraid to let his strong opinions be known, and he will probably tell you when you look nice, even if that makes your cheeks blush. They get jealous easily and are rarely able to control their feelings. Im Jessica and Im a Gemini. The influence of Venus gives Scorpio women a stronger sense of intuition and emotional intelligence, helping them to win more friends at work and giving them an edge in the office politics game. Not interested in cooking? Interacting with her is never boring, as she is a very exciting partner for any man. by Ryan Hart | Updated on July 1, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. When you are at your best, you are unafraid of intimacy and can offer extraordinary passion to your relationships that is pretty much unmatched. Scorpio women dont necessarily need others around to have fun. They are usually trendsetters in their group because they try things that other people are afraid to try. But when something doesnt interest you, you are likely to give it no attention at all. Their artistic tastes are full of dramatic contrasts. They need someone who is able to keep up with their fast-paced approach to life and whos willing to step outside their comfort zone to try something new every once in a while. Read on to explore the characteristics, weaknesses, love . The influence of Venus lends them an eye for color and design, while the powerful energy of Mars gives them the confidence to pull off any look. When in a relationship, they will always be quarreling. It also relates to how you value things in the material world, and how you feel about your appearance. It also can lead to a playboy type of lifestyle to start leading double lives. They think that a breach of trust is the ultimate betrayal and demand fidelity from their partner. Hey. They may use or abuse substances. They are what we rely on (often unconscious) while making decisions and choices. She does want to put emphasis on the role of women and advance their overall importance, but this will have an effect on the whole world. They experience extreme, consuming . He is charming, charismatic and enigmatic indeed, his appeal can be very intoxicating. She will look forward to intimacy at the end of a long day its like an essential vitamin! Allocentrism means that you have the ability to focus attention on people youre talking to, rather than yourself. Our readers support us. Although she likes to play with her internal intrepidity she can't think of throwing herself in the mud for it unless she is angry. Charm her with words. Scorpio gives these people insightfulness and awareness that allows them to see all aspects of situations. (Example: Venus 19 Scorpio, Sun 21 Scorpio.) She is certain of her values and urges others to live by them. Theyll often dress provocatively to enhance their aura of simmering volcanic emotions. This is a woman who will go the extra mile to please her man. Hence, for those who know to swim down to the depths of the soul, it is vibrant and experienced. Venus in the Eighth House Physical Appearance. Else, Venus in Scorpio will drop them entirely from their social network. She cant stand losing! 6. ( Venus Sign Calculator) Venus in Scorpio love is intense, loyal, passionate, deep, focused, private, dark and obsessive. These women can become deeply hurt though their intuition should be trusted. Moreover, our lunar assignments only make a small part of us-not the whole. They crave sex with intimacy as opposed to brief trysts or one-night-stands. When love is your drive, the Venus in Scorpio should be the power behind it. The Scorpio sign holds the anatomical rulership of the genitals and the reproductive organs; this makes the Scorpio Woman more likely to develop issues or complications with the uterus, fallopian tubes, menses, menopause, and other issues affecting women specifically. Their passion for personal growth and transformation. Instead of being pigeonholed into one position, they thrive in a job that keeps them constantly busy with different departments. Leonardo DiCaprio, Drake, and Anne Hathaway are just a few of the Venus in Scorpio celebs. The influence of Venus can bring out the emotional side of a Scorpio woman, putting her at odds with her ruling planet, Mars. You probably take good care of your health, and invest in things like a good haircut. I hope you enjoy this article! If Scorpio is emphasized in the chart of a woman she often has a femme fatale aura. Their natural creativity, along with the artistic influence of Venus, inspires Venus in Scorpio women to channel their negative emotions into great works of art, drama, music, and more. But others find this kind of obsession intoxicating and cant get enough of them. They usually have a very cool and unique style of dress. The Venus in Scorpio woman appearance is typically a little intense with an element of danger. Relationships/Sex: For a Venus in Pisces person, love is a mystical experience. And if they arent ready for such an exciting experience, they may drown in the sea of love that this sign has to offer. She is a romantic soul that yearns for love and adventure. You can expect women born under Venus in Scorpio to play hard to get when they really like someone. She will never be satisfied with routine sex and wants every time to feel intense and special. You are a Feminine, Water Sign. If your Venus is at a lesser degree than your Sun you are a Morning Star Venus. They tend to keep a very natural look and usually don't wear a lot of makeup. At the same time, Venus signifies love and relationships. They can be overly-extravagant spenders. They tend to keep a very natural look and usually dont wear a lot of makeup. So, while you love deeply and completely, you might often have it in the back of your mind that the other person might betray you. Get Love Tips Sent Straight To Your Inbox. Modality: Fixed. They can be very confident, devoted, and will have no problem taking on any challenges that present itself. Women born with Venus in Scorpio will be incredibly sexually magnetic. 2. For them, love can quickly turn to hate, and their wounded rage will often drive others running. If you are single, this is a good time for brooding and questioning what it is thats missing from your love life. Though you also probably ascribe to the idea that you shouldnt shout about your successes, because not everyone is happy for you. Their intuitiveness. They lo. You also know that attractiveness isn't just about the symmetry or your face or the gloss of your hair. They have a great capacity to heal and grow in relationships and help their partner do the same. While their intensity can be intimidating for some, its exciting for others. Often, the first thing that people notice about a Venus in Scorpio woman is her smile. When Venus transits through Scorpio, we often develop a need to intensify our romantic feelings. The Venus in Scorpio natal is one of, The Scorpio has the enlightenment of what to. A Scorpio Venus is one of the most insecure placements. They can be drawn to occult sciences and psychic mysteries, as high psychic sensitivity permeates their lives. Theyre always willing to help people heal through difficult emotions. When a new team member joins the group, she will adapt to their presence and guide the tem through the change. She is charismatic and strong. Its part of why theyre so skeptical and cautious to get involved with someone. Without that intimacy there, sex isn't of interest to the Venus in Scorpio. Their large eyes are their defining features, followed by their high cheekbones and pointy chins. . It helps you in the essential virtues of love and affairs. Theyre solid, lifelong friends and will sacrifice themselves to protect those that they love. The Venus in Scorpio woman is suited to be a manager or group supervisor because of her ability to push for the success of the group. So, be remorseful as you aim at making a solid home. 4. She dislikes seeing them suffer. As a result, Venus's time in Scorpio can stir up jealousy, obsession, and manipulation, which will be a big distraction in our love lives this month. Sexually, you are intense as well, but you definitely do not only want your partners bodyyou want his or her soul as well. They are more than willing to endure extreme hardships to show their devotion. She desires to be admired for her charm, beauty, fame or success. Youll be ready to roll up your sleeves and work hard with a project or relationship that has been sitting on the back burner. Venus is the Ruling Planet of love and attachment to others. So, you should show passion and willingness to do something unique. You always want good for your family. Allow them the illusion to offer them the security and stability they need. When you are born with Venus in Scorpio, you are highly ambitious and like to be in command and control. They can be drawn to occult sciences and psychic mysteries, as high psychic sensitivity permeates their lives. Many with this astrological alignment are telepathically attuned. Much of your magnetism stems from the energy that you give off. gets mad when I beat her at Clue. He prefers secrecy in relationships and casual encounters and won't take it lightly if their counterpart kisses and tells. This kind of passion extends into the bedroom, where they are a powerhouse between the sheets. Hi, Im Loren. They have a sixth sense for when something isnt quite right, and theyre good at helping others find untapped or hidden abilities or talents. Venus symbolizes love, sensuality, relationships, finance, money, income, beauty, and value objects. They are attracted to people who engage them. Many famous artists are Scorpios born under the influence of Venus, including Jodie Foster, Demi Moore, Avril Lavigne, Anne Hathaway, and many more. In a nutshell, to say these women are intense would be an understatement. Scorpio is about passion, and likes to dive headfirst into love. Scorpio Venus people have a deep, gut-level style in love. Trust is so important to Scorpio Venus. They are all about investigating the dark and mysterious sides of things. The Venus in Scorpio man in a nutshell: Positives: Intriguing and sensual; Negatives: Secretive and tactless; Soulmate: Someone who will do anything to seduce him; Life lesson: He should make an effort to temper his jealousy. The Scorpio Mars Woman Is an Intuitive Powerhouse - Basically Wonderful. Their compulsive need to control the world around them. They have an ability to foster strong emotional ties and they love all parts of their partner; even the ugly, broken bits. They have intense and deep emotions and this will reflect on the day to day with the partner. She can transition on a dime if problems arise. This is a good Venus placement for finances. At work, Venus in Scorpio women also love novelty and excitement. It is important to him that he never falls short of his own expectations. If Venus is in the sign Scorpio then you have an intense need to love with more physical and emotional depth and commitment than perhaps any other sign. You are very confident in your attractiveness.